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Available video help files.

Each help file is an avi file and is at least 3 megabytes. If you have a dialup connection, you might have to wait five or 10 minutes to download and view these videos. Cable and T1 connections will download these videos in a minute or two.


HELP with putting art into Microsoft Word.

HELP with putting art into Word Perfect

HELP with putting art into Pagemaker

SKILLS Section (None of these movies have sound.)


Rotate and group graphics in Publisher

Help with emailing from Publisher

-- Same movie in Quick Time format

Using the marquee tool in Microsoft Publisher to select parts of a layout. (avi movie)

-- Same movie using Quick Time format

Copy fitting on a blank page with one piece of art (windows media)

--- Copy fitting ( Quick Time )

Copyfitting: Putting a second (too short) article on the page (using Microsoft Publisher)

-- Same movie using Quick Time format

How to download Housecalls

-- Same movie using Quick Time format

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Serving editors for 35 years