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Today’s people skills advance opportunity
According to The Conover Company, research shows that inferior interpersonal skills are the No. 1 reason employees don’t get along, fail to get promoted, and–worst of all–lose their jobs.
Following are tips for displaying these essential interpersonal skills and etiquette in today’s workplace.
– Start and maintain good relationships with colleagues and newcomers. You’ll help maintain a pleasant workplace and make new friends too. Even with a difficult manager or coworker, stay professional and polite.
– If you need to confront someone, do so thoughtfully and professionally. Your attempts to understand and relate to the feelings of others is called empathy–the laudable sense of understanding them and how they feel. When a coworker shares something personal with you, try to put yourself in their shoes. Think carefully about how you would react in the same situation. What would you want to hear someone say or have them do for you?
– When approached by a person who wants to talk to you in private, set aside your phone, computer, or task. Share eye contact, listen carefully, and ask for clarification on issues that can help you better understand the situation. Avoid unnecessary interruptions.
– Cooperating with others–especially working on a team–is vital in the workplace. Even though each person may have his or her own individual tasks and goals, all must share the primary goal: helping the company succeed. Without cooperation, the atmosphere of your workplace suffers and threatens the company issuing your paychecks.
– Finally, when you’re talking to a manager or co-worker, stand at arm’s length so that person will not feel like you’re invading his or her personal space. It’s wise to refrain from touching any person in the workplace, especially with today’s concern over Covid-19.
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