No More Cold Calls.
“I just have to tell you how magical our newsletter is for us and how well received. I don’t do cold calls anymore. My newsletter is my introduction. When I go out on sales calls, I just say my name and it is recognized. I always know I will be welcome.
Sell Yourself
and Your Services
with a
Suite of Sales Newsletters.
No More Cold Calls
with the Upbeat, Finished Sales
Newsletter from
(And you can change anything you want.)
One financial planner has two very different client bases: Young families and retired couples. That’s why he uses Good News, with four different sales newsletters for one price. One month, he uses the Home & Money newsletter to help tell families the best way to save and plan. The next month, he uses Seniors to help advise his retiree clients.
A lawyer also uses Good News for his multiple client bases: He uses Business to communicate with small business clients, but Health & Safety to reach his family clients.
A real estate agent has the same issue since her general home sales work focuses on Millennials, while her farm neighborhood is a senior community. The Good News suite of sales newsletters reaches both markets for the price of one.

Suite of Newsletters Reach
Multiple Markets for One Price.

Download any (or all) print or email newsletters.
We write all the stories, add the pictures, and arrange the design. Then you download any or all of the newsletters you want and personalize them in Microsoft Publisher. You get four layouts for print and six for email.
You can change anything in the newsletter, including the header or a whole article.
Or you can just put your name on it.
If you email, you can access your Outlook email list right from Microsoft Publisher and email your newsletter with one click. No opting in the list you already built from scratch.
If you print, you can print it out yourself, or choose one of many online (or local) printers.
Use any article from the library of content.
Don’t like an article we put in? As a subscriber, you have complete access to the subscriber’s site. Search by keyword or browse by month to select a new article from our 10,000 searchable pages of articles, art, cartoons, puzzles, and photographs.
You’ll never have to write anything — unless you want to!
Start your Good News subscription now!
Just $295 per year for 366-day access — at least 13 sets of newsletters
that you can use and change.