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foot swelling

Get swollen feet checked

Edema, a medical term for swelling, could be a minor problem or could foretell a more serious condition.

If you can hardly get your swollen feet back into your shoes after a long airplane flight, but can put them on easily within 24 hours, you’re probably OK.

Edemacan occur in any part of the body or in the entire body, but it’s usually noticed in the legs and feet.  There are many causes, both benign and serious.

Just sitting still or standing for a long period of time can cause temporary swelling. Swelling even could be caused by eating a very salty dinner. But, if your feet and ankles are still swollen days later, it’s time to see your doctor.

The cause could be one of these more serious conditions. 

* A blood clot. This is suspected if swelling occurs only in one leg.

* Heart failure. Many things can cause the right side of the heart to weaken, losing its ability to effectively pump blood, which leads to swelling, say doctors at the Mayo Clinic. 

* Liver damage (cirrhosis). The flow of blood through the liver can get backed up. Swelling caused by liver damage first occurs in the abdomen. 

* Kidney problems. Damaged kidneys may not properly remove water and sodium from your blood. The result could be swelling throughout the body. 

Less-common causes of swelling include other heart problems, thyroid conditions, hormone imbalance, and malnutrition. 

Swelling itself can be treated by limiting salt, taking diuretic drugs (water pills), and exercising. Elevating the affected limb above the level of the heart for about 30 minutes or longer up to three times a day can help. Whatever the cause, get it checked. 

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