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The no-spend challenge:
Spend nearly nothing for a month — or a year
What if you could cut your expenses in half — or more — for a month? We’re talking living thin, here. No clothes, no TV, no beer with pals.
Financial writer Michelle McGagh and her husband did it for a year. They didn’t buy coffee, eat out, or buy gas. She rode her bike everywhere. She spent only $35 on food every week. What happened? At the end of one year her jeans were threadbare, but she saved $23,000. McGagh wrote about her extreme challenge in her book, “The No Spend Year: How you can spend less and live more.”
McGagh’s challenge was extreme but even a month of thin living could pay off a bill.
According to Bankrate.com, the first thing to do is decide why. It could be to pay off a big bill that is coming or pad your savings account, but the goal should mean something to you.
Next steps:
– Eliminate any optional expense that comes out of your checking account such as subscriptions. You can resubscribe next month.
– Start thinking of some things as luxuries. You could get rid of Netflix for $10 a month or cable for $120, or both.
– Make a barebones food plan and stick to it. No prepared foods.
– Cellphone: No extra overages or get rid of the plan, if you can.
– No restaurants or pubs. Plan some things to do that are free.
Then count your cash at the end of the month!
No more cold calls
“I just have to tell you how magical our newsletter is for us and how well received. I don’t do cold calls anymore. My newsletter is my introduction. When I go out on sales calls, I just say my name and it is recognized. I always know I will be welcome.”
-Lee Gaylord