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If the zombies don’t get you, the weather will

The best place to escape the zombie apocalypse is the Mt. Washington Observatory, so says New Hampshire Public Radio.

At the top of Mt. Washington, there is a fortress with a few beds for the brave rangers who endure winter there. Of course, if you aren’t prepared for the trip up — and who would be with zombies on their trail — you and the zombies are in trouble.

Known by one native American tribe as Agiocochook (Home of the Great Spirit), Mt. Washington advertises itself as the home of the World’s Worst Weather, not exactly true, but not exactly false either.

Case in point: annual snowfall. It is the most in the continental U.S. at 281.2 inches per year on average. Mt. McKinley gets about 77 inches.

Second case in point: Unpredictability. Hurricane-force winds 110 days per year for no special reason. The Northern Hemisphere’s record for wind blast was recorded there at 238 mph one afternoon in April 1934.

On the other hand, hiking can be good. Although, a noted athlete did die hiking on Mt. Washington in 1900 when he was hit by a blinding snowstorm. In June.

Take that, zombies.

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